Like a Spotify tune 🎶 on BeReal 📱
BeReal is joining the Spotify trend by integrating the music streaming service into its platform. Launched in 2020, BeReal aims to be an authentic alternative to other social media platforms by encouraging users to post at random times about what they are doing.
The Spotify-BeReal duo is on its way 🎯
It’s official! Spotify announced its collaboration with BeReal in a press release and confirmed that streamers will now be able to listen to their favorite tracks via the BeReal app. Not only will you be able to share what you’re currently listening to, but also « check out what other friends are listening to on your BeReal stream, » the release said. indique le communiqué.

Source: Spotify
What are the reasons for integration? 🤔
It’s important to remember that BeReal users and non-users alike are initially drawn to its simplistic design and spontaneous real-time photos after receiving an alert that it’s time to « Be Real. » But you have to ask yourself the right questions. Will BeReal do well against behemoths like Instagram and Tiktok, or will it falter after a short-lived euphoria?
Indeed, in the last few months, the number of followers has dropped by about 60%, from 15 million users at its peak to 6 million active users in March. A real drop that invites to question and quickly find ways to go back up the slope and avoid going through the « application graveyard » soon enough. The BeReal staff, aware that it will never regain this popularity, has therefore thought about integration.
Now, users can connect their Spotify and BeReal accounts by going to the Music tab in the Settings tab and following the prompts to connect the two or by using the music icon that appears before posting a BeReal.
The Spotify integration has been officially rolled out on Android and iOS. It is currently available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Australia. The streaming giant promises to expand the feature to other markets in the very near future without providing any additional information.
« We are proud of this integration within the BeReal platform, » Spotify said in the statement. « We are constantly finding new ways to bring Spotify to more people and help fans, artists and communities connect via audio around the world. »
So, are you ready to stream and share your playlists with us on BeReal?
Sources: Spotify, TechCrunch, 9to5Mac