Photo : Alexander Shatov - Unsplash
Instant messaging

WhatsApp unveils new ways to format your messages 📨

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Formatting text can greatly improve its readability and comprehensibility. With this in mind, WhatsApp has rolled out four new ways to format messages.

You can now insert lists and quotations in your messages.

WhatsApp’s new update includes new ways to format your messages, which should greatly improve their readability. There are four of them:

  • Bulleted lists by adding a dash « -«  just before the text.
  • Numbered lists by adding a number just before the text.
  • Block Quotes by adding a « > » sign just before the text.
  • Code blocks by surrounding the text with «  symbols.Le rendu donne quelque chose comme ceci.

Of course, formatting options for bolding, italicizing or highlighting are still available. Here’s a quick summary of the formatting options available to date.

© WhatsApp

Now you know everything there is to know about improving your WhatsApp messages 😉
Source : WhatsApp

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