Google wants to help you verify your information on Google Search 🔍
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The recent news focuses a lot on ChatGPT and the new Bing. Powered by artificial intelligence, these two tools are increasingly overshadowing the iconic Google Search. Before being able to match its competitors, Google continues to improve the experience on Search and deploy new ways to verify information.
An « About this result » section to better evaluate the information✅
Google search results are usually a mix of sites we are used to visiting and others we are less familiar with. Google wants to help us better evaluate the latter and understand their origins. This makes it easier to know if information is reliable or not.
The « About this result » feature is now accessible via 3 small dots displayed right next to a result, regardless of your search. By pressing them, you will have access to the origin of the information displayed and how Google determined that it would be useful for your query.
Get quick information about an author and the page 🧐
The new section introduced by Google does not only give you information about the result. Via this menu, you also have access to « About the author » and « About the page » information.
The « About the Author » section allows users to learn more about the authors behind the content they read and discover new voices they can trust. They also have access to information about the backgrounds and experience of authors who appear in Google Search.
The « About Page » section, as the name implies, provides more information about the page in question: how the website describes itself, what others have said about it, and any recent coverage it has received. This allows you to assess whether you would like to visit the website and learn more.
Discover other perspectives of the news 📰
Understanding a source is the first step to becoming better informed. The second step is to diversify your sources in order to better understand a subject, especially a current event. Google helps you with its new feature called « Perspectives ».
It’s a carousel that sits underneath the Top Stories to showcase other perspectives on the news in question. With opinions from journalists, experts and other relevant voices on the topic you’re looking for, you’ll get a more complete picture.
Unfortunately this feature is only available in the US for the moment.
Google wants to fill the information gap🩹
Sometimes a topic can change rapidly or there may not be enough relevant information available for a search. To address these gaps, Google Search will automatically display content notifications. In addition, notices about information quality gaps will now be available in new languages, including German, French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese, in the coming months.
However, this does not mean that the results are of poor quality or that useful information is not available. Reviews simply provide context to the overall results on the page, and it is still possible to see the results that match your query, even if the review is present.
Do you still use Google regularly or have you switched to Bing? What do you think of these features introduced by Google? Will they be useful for you? Tell us in comments.
Source : Google