What are the differences between Spotify playlist types ? 🎶
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With the introduction of IA playlists on Spotify, many of you are a little confused and can’t tell the difference from existing playlists. With this week’s #AskGriots, we hope to clear things up a bit in your minds.
Playlists managed by people
There are several types of playlist on Spotify. The main ones are listener playlists, personalized or algorithmic playlists and editorial playlists. More recently, we’ve seen the introduction of Spotify DJ, as well as Spotify AI.
Listeners’ playlists are those you create and organize yourself. They only change when you want them to. Editorial playlists, on the other hand, are created and managed by Spotify’s editorial teams; ExAmple : Afro Hits, PVNCHLNRS.
Playlists générées par des algorithmes
Personalized or algorithmic playlists are created by algorithms that take into account many external and individual factors, such as the user’s listening habits and people with similar tastes. Examples: Daily Mix, Release Radar, Loop, Radio, etc.
Spotify Premium users, depending on the market, also have access to two other features: Spotify DJ and, more recently, Spotify AI. While Spotify DJ is a recommendation tool, and a personal DJ in a sense, Spotify AI makes it easy to generate playlists on demand. You could say it’s a kind of algorithmic playlist, but initiated by the user.
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