Photo : BoliviaInteligente - Unsplash
Instant messaging

You can finally correct your WhatsApp messages after sending them ✏️

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One of the most requested features of WhatsApp is finally available: you will finally be able to edit a message after sending it.

You will now have 15 minutes to edit your message✏️

Until now, when you made a mistake in a message on WhatsApp, you had two solutions: either rewrite it by adding « * » at the end to mean that it was an error, or delete it completely, even for the recipient, and then rewrite it. This nightmare is now over.

With the new official update, not only in beta, it is now possible to edit a message within 15 minutes of sending it. On Android, just long-press on a message, then the three dots on the top right menu, and select « Edit ». On iOS, you simply long-press on a message and select « Edit » from the menu that appears. However, this feature is only available for text messages. It is not possible to edit media (photos, videos, documents) already sent, nor their description.

Source : WhatsApp

Modified messages will be marked  » edited « , visible to your recipient and to you. Unlike iMessage, for example, it is not possible to see the history of modifications.

This feature is currently being rolled out worldwide and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks. If you haven’t received the update yet, don’t panic. Just be patient 😉

Source : WhatsApp

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