Google lance un badge pour certifier les mails provenant d'entreprises
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Enterprise verification badges are now available on Gmail💠

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Before they became available to everyone on Twitter, verification badges had a meaning common to all social networks: authenticating public figures, companies and governments. Google wants to apply the same principle to Gmail, but for businesses.

A badge to reduce the risks of phishing ☠️

Google recently introduced a feature familiar to social network users: verification badges for businesses. As on Facebook or Instagram, a small  blue badge💠 will be displayed next to the sender’s name if it has been previously validated by Google.

Un badge de vérification associé aux e-mails d’Amazon

For a company to obtain this badge, it must comply with several standards:

  • BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) : an open standard enabling senders to use their brand logo in e-mails. Thanks to BIMI, recipients and e-mail security systems can have greater confidence in the source of e-mails.
  • VMC (Verified Mark Certificate) : a digital certificate issued by a certification authority that verifies logo ownership.
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) : this standard helps e-mail security systems to filter and distinguish real messages from potentially forged ones.

This will help users identify messages from legitimate senders versus impersonators.

At a time when spam and phishing are multiplying daily, Google wants to reinforce trust in e-mail sources. The badge will be displayed in the e-mails of all users with a Google account, whether personal or professional. We hope that companies and other e-mail services will adopt these standards and this badge to have the greatest possible impact.


Sources : Blog Google WorkSpace, Aide Gmail

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