Relive your year in audio on Spotify, Apple Music & Deezer 🎧
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The end of the year means the year’s review. And music streaming platforms are also offering a musical review of your year.
Spotify Wrapped🎶
Launched annually since 2016, it’s the first campaign of its kind on the streaming platforms. Spotify Wrapped in English allows Spotify users to view a compilation of data on their activity on the platform over the past year. From the application, they can discover the number of hours spent listening to music, as well as their favorite artists, tracks and genres. This information is available in the app in the form of stories and can be shared outside the app.
- Go to your Spotify app or the website. If you choose the app, make sure you have the latest version.
- On a smartphone, click on the Retrospective tab at the top of the screen, then on the banner.
- On the web home screen, click on the banner Your 2023 retrospective
Apple Music Replay and My Deezer Year from Deezer
Apple Music and Deezer now also offer their users a musical summary of the year. They have not reinvented the formula, but offer similar statistics, with their own visuals.
- Go to their web application by clicking on this link
- Log in to your Apple account
- Click on the Discover it button in the middle of the screen.
On Deezer, it’s even easier than on Spotify. The summary is accessible from the application’s home page, on smartphone, Windows and web. Just click on « Your year in music ».
If you have an account on one of these platforms, you know what you have to do 😉.