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Children and screens: what do the experts recommend ? 📺

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Two separate commissions commissioned by the French government and President Emmanuel Macron have released their findings on the use of screens by children and teenagers. The eagerly-awaited reports were presented to the regional press. In particular, they provide detailed recommendations on the approach to be adopted towards screens among young people.

No screens before age 3, supervised use up to age 11

The first commission, made up of clinicians, sociologists and epidemiologists, stressed the importance of limiting children’s access to screens from an early age. The report confirms the recommendations of Santé Publique France: no screens before age 3. From 3 to 6, use should be « strongly limited » and supervised by an adult, with educational content. Up to age 11, smartphones are not recommended. In addition, the experts suggest that smartphones be marked « not suitable for use by children under 13 ». They also suggest avoiding the use of social networks until the age of 15.

The report also states that the sale of video games should be prohibited on the basis of age classification. However, the report does not recommend the use of parental control systems, deemed ineffective.

Platform liability and European action

The second commission emphasizes the responsibility of industry in protecting children on social networks. It calls for tighter regulation, particularly of algorithms, and for concerted European action. It proposes measures such as restricting access to ethical social networks to children aged 15 and over, and creating « mobile-free » areas in schools to assess their impact on pupils’ lives.

These recommendations come at a time of growing concern about the impact of screens on young people. The experts’ report provides clear guidelines for parents. It also highlights the need for strong action to protect children from the harmful effects of overexposure to screens.

In addition to the report, here are a few key points to remember:

  • The importance of open dialogue between parents and children on digital uses.
  • The need to train children and teenagers to use digital tools responsibly.
  • The essential role of schools in media and information education.
  • The need to support parents in supervising their children’s digital use.

Are you a parent? If so, what do you think of these results? How do you deal with this issue on a daily basis? Tell us in the comments section.


Source : Ouest France

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