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Microsoft blocks a method to install Windows 11 without an account 😓

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Microsoft recently corrected a vulnerability that allowed users to install Windows 11 without having to create a Microsoft account. With Update 24H2, it is no longer possible to use the blocked email address trick to bypass this requirement.

Blocked e-mail addresses bug fixed😫

Until now, many users exploited a bug when installing Windows 11. By entering a dummy email address such as, or, the installation would bug. This allowed users to create a local account without having to connect to a Microsoft account. This trick no longer works with the latest Windows 11 Update 24H2. In a video by Zac Bowden, a journalist at Windows Central, we can see that entering such an address sends a looping request for another e-mail.

Other solutions exist, however, for users not wishing to create a Microsoft account. According to Zac Bowden, it is still possible to use the command prompt to bypass the restriction. To do this, disconnect your Internet connection, then press Shift+F10 when Windows asks you to connect to the network. This opens a window in which you need to type « OOBE\BYPASSNRO ».

Increasingly limited user choice?🤔

It’s a real shame to force users to connect to a Microsoft account to install Windows 11. Users should have the choice of whether or not to link their local account to a Microsoft account. While Microsoft seems to be moving in the right direction with ARM chips, this is less the case when it comes to the features available.
Indeed, Microsoft is currently at the heart of a controversy surrounding Windows 11’s new Recall feature (which you can discover by clicking here). While the concept may seem appealing at first glance, it’s a nightmare in terms of privacy and data security.

We can only hope that the various controversies will change the company’s mind.

Are you using Windows 11? If so, is your local account connected to a Microsoft account? What do you think of this measure? Discuss it in the comments.
Source : Frandroid

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