Artificial Intelligence

Open AI, introduces GPT-4, the new version of the ChatGPT core 🤖

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ChatGPT needs no introduction. Open AI’s conversational AI has already managed to attract over 100 million users. At the heart of this AI is a technology called Artificial Intelligence Language. Called GPT, it passes the 4th as of today.

An iteration, not a revolution 📈

Since its launch, ChatGPT has been making the buzz. And the rumors leading up to the launch of this new version have also caused a lot of digital ink to flow. But OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, was keen to temper the hype. Indeed, the company said that the differences between GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 are subtle. For reference, GPT-3.5 is the core technology of ChatGPT. OpenAI said that the differences will be minimally noticeable in an ordinary conversation, but will be much more noticeable in more complex queries.

Sam Altman, OpenAI’s CEO, said in a tweet that GPT-4 « is still imperfect, still limited, » but it « still looks more impressive on first use than after spending more time with it. »

ChatGPT will have more accurate answers 🧐

One of the biggest flaws of ChatCPT is the accuracy of the answers. With GPT-4, OpenAI has worked extensively on this aspect to provide more reliable and accurate answers. To support its point, the company points to the fact that GPT-4 had undergone six months of security training. In internal tests, it was « 82% less likely to respond to unauthorized content requests and 40% more likely to produce factual responses, compared to GPT-3.5. » This should result in fewer blatant and illogical errors, as on ChatGPT currently.

But as the CEO of OpenAI pointed out, GPT-4 is not perfect, still makes mistakes and can produce harmful content. The proof was Bing, which had the exclusive right to integrate GPT-4 before anyone else, as we talked about in this article.

GPT-3.5 limitations are still present. GPT-4 has no knowledge of the events « that occurred after the vast majority of its data was cut off » in September 2021. Furthermore, it cannot learn from its experience. Therefore, errors in reasoning, although reduced, will always be part of the game.

Like Bing, which has been integrating it for a while, GPT-4 is capable of humor. But like Bing, this humor, which is supposed to make conversations more pleasant, should be taken with care and can be misinterpreted.

GPT-4 can take images as input in addition to text 🖼️

The great novelty of GPT-4 is that it is multimodal. This means that it can accept text and image inputs. However, the output is still limited to text. With its new capability, GPT-4 can analyze text and image simultaneously, and thus interpret more complex data. OpenAI has provided examples in which we can see the system analyzing unusual images, but also memes:

GPT-4 is available for ChatGPT Plus subscribers 🤑

GPT-4 is now available to the public via the monthly subscription ChatGPT Plus at $20/month.

While GPT-4 is still far from perfect, that hasn’t stopped many companies, Duolingo, Stripe, and Khan Academy, from partnering with OpenAI. The company has also announced the availability of APIs for developers to take advantage of this new model.

Have you tried ChatGPT yet? What do you think about these announcements, tell us all about it in comments.

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