What’s new in 𝕏: Tweetdeck now chargeable, and soon the end of the blocking function ?
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The days go by and the changes continue on Twitter 𝕏. While TweetDeck’s name change as well as pricing have been confirmed, nothing is yet certain when it comes to the removal of 𝕏’s blocking functionality.
Only 𝕏 Premium subscribers will have access to 𝕏 Pro
With Twitter’s name change to 𝕏, many changes have taken place within the platform. References to the blue bird are gradually fading away to make way for 𝕏. As a result, Twitter Blue has become 𝕏 Premium, and TweetDeck is now 𝕏 Pro. However, the changes don’t stop there. This tool, which allows you to follow several topics at the same time or carry out advanced searches, is now only accessible to 𝕏 Premium users. The many Community Managers for whom this was their main working tool will therefore have to open their wallets.
𝕏 blocking feature coming to an end soon?
As usual, Elon Musk has taken to 𝕏 – we no longer say ‘tweet’ – to announce his intention to remove the account blocking function on the platform, with the exception of private messages. However, the blocking function is essential for many users in order to combat cyberbullying. It allows a user to prevent another account from viewing their content or interacting with them in any way. On the other hand, masking, recommended by Elon Musk, simply means that you are not exposed to the content of a masked user.
However, as stated in the « community note » added to the aforementioned publication, the App Store and Google Play Store require platforms relying on user-created content to incorporate a mechanism for blocking abusive accounts. Nevertheless, Apple and Google have generally shown themselves to be flexible with regard to applications of a certain size. We’ll keep you posted.