Source : Cyber Muna
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Cyber Muna: a Cameroonian platform to educate children about cyber risks 🛡👧🏾👦🏾

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« Cyber Muna starts from a need that arose right after the Covid pandemic crisis. When schools closed, students were forced to take online classes. But Cameroon and other African countries that were not ready for new technologies exposed children. They found themselves exposed, without any security measures. Our start-up is coaching them in mastering new technologies and cybersecurity is part of it. » These are the words of the founder of the startup Cyber Muna, Horore BELL BEBGA, microphone of France 24.

Child safety on the Internet, an increasingly important issue🛡👧🏾👦🏾

As so well mentioned in his speech, Horore BELL BEGBA put his finger on an important subject: children’s cybersafety. With the rise of smartphones and social networks, children are increasingly exposed to dangers on the Internet: cyber predators, online harassment, exposure to inappropriate content. And the global health crisis, linked to COVID, that forced most students to take online classes hasn’t helped matters. It only takes one click to go from a course to a site with sensitive content.

Instagram, which has a negative impact on young people (Read the article here), had as a project to set up a version for the youngest. This project, which has certainly been aborted since, at least had the merit of raising the question about an online space adapted to the youngest. And Cyber Muna intends to prepare children for their foray into the digital world

Educating children about digital dangers 👩🏾‍🏫

Also speaking to France 24, the founder of Cyber Muna said « … if a 12 year old child today starts making TikTok videos that are inappropriate, he exposes himself. And behind that are the cyber stalkers, the predators, who are using those kids for other purposes. So it’s important today to tell them to be careful, and especially to pass on good practices.« 

Face à ces dangers bel et bien réels, la startup Cyber Muna s’est donnée comme missions :

  • Support public authorities, schools, NGOs in the implementation of awareness programs and activities on cyber risks and cybersecurity in youth, schools and communities.
  • support public authorities and schools in the development of a « strategic plan » and a national program for media and cybersecurity education for youth.
  • produce and make available data and maps related to cybercrime threats to youth
  • to design educational and pedagogical kits to raise awareness in schools, families and communities.

With the educational kits now available, children have the « opportunity to take fairly simple knowledge tests. They also have the ability to download online lessons and activities in the form of quizzes, questionnaires, games, which they can download and do either at school or at home with parents.« 

To conclude, as Horore BELL BEBGA said so well: « Digital is the online identity. Once you are online, you are exposed« . It is therefore important to always keep an eye on your children’s online activities and to educate them about the risks they may be exposed to online. Parental control tools are often available on online platforms, so don’t hesitate to use them.


Sources : Cyber Muna, France 24

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